I play a GPS-based game called Ingress, which is basically like competitive geocaching. It’s an incredibly complex and absolutely fun time which has encouraged me to explore more of my region than I have in the 18 years living here. Due to the team-based aspect of the game, each faction in the game tends to draw together into communities.
The inspiration for this design comes from the ornate compass rose featured in maps created by Capt. John smith during the earliest days of English settlement. We needed an icon that would represent ALL of the 527 square miles of Hampton Roads. The one thing that ties us together, other than our mutual hatred of summer afternoon traffic, is our shared regional history. And, since many places of interest in the game feature historic spots, I couldn’t think of anything better than drawing from this commonality.
While it’s a little more complex than I tend to do for logos, I knew that most of the applications of this design would be on the web where use of color and detail is practically infinite. I created this logo for my local group to use in chat rooms and on our website.
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